The conception and implementation of changes is the core competence of Bröker + Partner.
In more than 30 years we were entrusted to about 1000 projects.
Profit from our experience and our cross-sector know-how.
Does every organisation exploit their full potential? The answer is nearly always: no. The need is obvious. Companies want to react faster, being more agile and maximize effectiveness. But in many cases, they fail with the trial to reach all of it.
BRÖKER + PARTNER develops organisations and increases their performance. We don´t go into the battle of organisation against individual, our point of departure is organisation with individual.
Location determination in relation to agility, processes, leadership, employees, skills and talents
Analysis of the “as-is” Situation, development of goals for the “to-be” state
Precise description of goals, tasks and the related roles and responsibilities
Organisational structure with the description of the flow of information and decisison-making
Companies with an established strategy are working in a balanced state. The employees have decreased complexity and are established in this balance. Change is usually perceived as an attack on this balance. BRÖKER + PARTNERs understanding of Change Management is a movement towards a new balance. For this purpose, Bottom Up and Top Down perspectives need to be harmonised. The rule here is: Trust is good. Structure is better.
Analysis and definition of the status quo and the organisations willingness to change
Analysis on how pervasive and sustainable a change is implemented by the organisation
Stakeholder- and Change Impact analysis, operationalisation, transition, communication
Sparring partner for development, planning and evaluation of Changes
Who improves the self-empowerment and autonomy of their employees, improves the effectiveness of the company. Instead of feeling power- and influenceless the employees are highly motivated to pursue the targets of the entirety, self-responsible and self-empowered. BRÖKER + PARTNER supports you to reach this ambitious target with lots of offers.
Identification of new talents, positive employer branding and succession planning
Aptitude test on new (job) requirements with high predictive accuracy
Record of controllability, increased target orientation and motivation
Pinpointed mediation of the necessary skills (also as virtual trainings) by experienced coaches & trainers
No project is like the other. Therefore we always complement the proven with the new.
Pragmatic and composed but also unconventional and with clear words.